Table of Contents


-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG

Specify a config file in the form $(PATH), file:$(PATH), or python:$(MODULE_NAME).

-b BIND, --bind=BIND

Specify a server socket to bind. Server sockets can be any of $(HOST), $(HOST):$(PORT), or unix:$(PATH). An IP is a valid $(HOST).

-w WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS

The number of worker processes. This number should generally be between 2-4 workers per core in the server. Check the FAQ for ideas on tuning this parameter.


The type of worker process to run. You’ll definitely want to read the production page for the implications of this parameter. You can set this to $(NAME) where $(NAME) is one of sync, eventlet, gevent, tornado, gthread, gaiohttp (deprecated). sync is the default. See the worker_class documentation for more information.

-n APP_NAME, --name=APP_NAME

If setproctitle is installed you can adjust the name of Gunicorn process as they appear in the process system table (which affects tools like ps and top).