Table of Contents



display bandwidth usage on an interface by host


iftop -h | [-nNpblBP][-i interface] [-f filter code][-F net/mask] [-G net6/mask6]

-h Print a summary of usage.

-n Don't do hostname lookups.

-N Do not resolve port number to service names

-p Run in promiscuous mode, so that traffic which does not pass directly through the specified interface is also counted.

-P Turn on port display.

-l Display and count datagrams addressed to or from link-local IPv6 addresses. The default is not to display that address category.

-b Don't display bar graphs of traffic.

-m limit
​ Set the upper limit for the bandwidth scale. Specified as a number with a 'K', 'M' or 'G' suffix.

-B Display bandwidth rates in bytes/sec rather than bits/sec.

-i interface
​ Listen to packets on interface.

-f filter code
​ Use filter code to select the packets to count. Only IP packets are ever counted, so the specified code is evaluated as (filter code) and ip.

-F net/mask
​ Specifies an IPv4 network for traffic analysis. If specified, iftop will only include packets flowing in to or out of the given network, and packet direction
​ is determined relative to the network boundary, rather than to the interface. You may specify mask as a dotted quad, such as /, or as a single
​ number specifying the number of bits set in the netmask, such as /24.

-G net6/mask6
​ Specifies an IPv6 network for traffic analysis. The value of mask6 can be given as a prefix length or as a numerical address string for more d bitmask‐
​ ing.

-c config file
​ Specifies an alternate config file. If not specified, iftop will use ~/.iftoprc if it exists. See below for a description of config files

-t text output mode
​ Use text interface without ncurses and print the output to STDOUT.