Table of Contents

Simple Storage Service

AWS rates their S3 standard storage class at 99.999999999% durability. Translated into English, this means that if you store, say 10,000 objects with them, one might get lost every 10 million years or so


Store and retrieve any amount of data, any time from anywhere on the web

Objects up to 5TB no bucket size limit

Estimate monthly bill using the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator


Buckets are globally unique containers for everything that you store in S3

The bucket name should be DNS compliance

Common Use Scenarios

Storage and Backup

Application File Hosting

Media Hosting

Software Delivery

Store AMIs and Snapshots

Object Keys



Control buckets and objects with Access Control Lists (ACLs), Bucket policies and Identity and Access Management(IAM) policies

Upload/Download data to S3 with SSL encrypted endpoints

Storage Classes


EBS vs S3


S3 Glacier

For archiving data

For very infrequently accessed data

Data retrieval time of several hours

Just as durable as S3

Much less cost than S3